Cisco 物理接口与MAC绑定地址
      为了防止恶意更改MAC,为了更加安全,在Cisco 上启用安全端口,接口与MAC地址绑定。


接口:interface Fa0/21


[codes=cisco]switch04#configure terminal
switch04(config)#interface Fa0/21
switch04(config-if)#switchport port-security mac-address 1111.2222.3333   # 绑定MAC地址
switch04(config-if)#switchport port-security   # 启动安全端口
switch04(config-if)#switchport port-security maximum 1   # 最大只允许1个MAC地址
switch04(config-if)#switchport port-security violation shutdown   # 如果不匹配测 shutdown 接口[/codes]


如果mac不配置,则会 shutdown接口,状态跟拔掉网线一样,会出现一个红叉,可以根据需求是否开启自动恢复,默认不开启

[codes=cisco]switch04#configure terminal
switch04(config)#errdisable recovery cause psecure-violation   # 开启 violation 恢复
switch04(config)#errdisable recovery interval 30   # 设置30秒后恢复 默认 300秒[/codes]


mac不匹配后,可以使用一下命令查看 接口状态

[codes=cisco]switch04#show errdisable detect      # 显示当前所支持 错误状态[/codes]

[codes=cisco]switch04#show interfaces status err-disabled  # 查询接口错误状态

Port      Name               Status       Reason               Err-disabled Vlans
Fa0/21                       err-disabled psecure-violation   [/codes]

[codes=cisco]switch04#show errdisable recovery    # 显示启用的 恢复状态列表
ErrDisable Reason            Timer Status
-----------------            --------------
arp-inspection               Disabled
bpduguard                    Disabled
channel-misconfig            Disabled
dhcp-rate-limit              Disabled
dtp-flap                     Disabled
gbic-invalid                 Disabled
inline-power                 Disabled
link-flap                    Disabled
mac-limit                    Disabled
loopback                     Disabled
pagp-flap                    Disabled
port-mode-failure            Disabled
psecure-violation            Enabled          # 开启violation 自动恢复
security-violation           Disabled
sfp-config-mismatch          Disabled
small-frame                  Disabled
storm-control                Disabled
udld                         Disabled
vmps                         Disabled

Timer interval: 30 seconds   # 30秒 重新检查MAC是否匹配

Interfaces that will be enabled at the next timeout:

Interface       Errdisable reason       Time left(sec)
---------       -----------------       --------------
Fa0/21         psecure-violation            3
# 剩余3秒重新检测,如MAC匹配则up 接口,否则继续shutdown接口[/codes]
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